Ben 10 premiered on Cartoon Netork on December 27, 2005. The show is about Ben Tennyson, who finds a device called the Omnitrix, which allows him to transform into 10 different aliens, spending the summer with his cousin, Gwen Tennyson and his paternal grandfather, Max Tennyson. Ben 10 lasted for four seasons and was replaced by Ben 10: Alien Force, by 2008.
Ben 10: Alien Force premiered on April 18, 2008, which takes place five years after the first series. Not only is Ben five years older and matured, but his Omnitrix is recalibrated and contains entirely new aliens and Kevin, from Ben 10, had changed sides and is now part of the team. Ben 10: Alien Force lasted for three seasons. A preview was shown during the last episode of Alien Force, about the active series Ben 10: Ultimate Alien that replaced Ben 10: Alien Force in 2010.
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien premiered on April 23, 2010. This follows a now 16-year old Ben and Gwen and 17-year old Kevin about a few weeks after Alien Force. Ben's secret identity has been revealed to the world by a kid named Jimmy Jones, and Ben is now an international super hero, loved by kids all over the world, but distrusted by most adults. Ben is armed with a more powerful new device called the Ultimatrix. It lasted for three seasons and it will be replaced by the upcoming series Ben 10: Omniverse, by 2012.
Ben 10: Omniverse is the upcoming fourth series premiering in Fall of 2012. Ben 10 is back with a new look, a new Omnitrix, and a brand-new show. Get ready for Ben 10: Omniverse! Ben is all set to be a solo hero, but Grandpa Max teams him up with a rookie, by-the-book partner. Together they explore a secret alien city. Meanwhile, a mysterious hunter sets his sites on Ben! With ten new alien heroes to choose from, the fun is just getting started. It's a whole new Omniverse!"